Bleeding edge svn IM7 r8469 (this morning's) compiled in HDRI mode. (There were checked in changes to colorspace.c yesterday. Have not looked at what they had to do with.)
I want to convert a stripped 16-bit sRGB striped tiff (curios.tif, from the 16bit840x840images test image bank ... es/images/) to a linear RGB image with sRGB primaries, and then I want to convert it back.
I thought the following would do the job, but it does not:
Conversion to linear RGB from sRGB:
Code: Select all
magick curios.tif -set colorspace sRGB -colorspace RGB RGB.tif
Code: Select all
magick curios.tif -colorspace RGB RGB.tif
Conversion to sRGB from linear RGB:
Code: Select all
magick RGB.tif -set colorspace RGB -colorspace sRGB sRGB.tif