Reduce file size of a tiff-image

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Reduce file size of a tiff-image

Post by micommo »

I´m looking for a way to create lay files from tiff images. For jpgs there is the convert -quality way which doesn´t work for tiffs. The only option I found so far is convert -strip -density 72 which removes around 10k from a 5 Mb file. Is there any other way?

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Re: Reduce file size of a tiff-image

Post by fmw42 »

convert from 24-bit color to 8bit color by adding -type palette before saving to either tiff or png or gif
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Re: Reduce file size of a tiff-image

Post by micommo »

Thanks for the tip. Testing it with 'convert -type palette org.tif new.tif' the file size is reduzed by around 20%. I´m looking for a way to reduze to 20% or around that. Any additional options I may try?


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Re: Reduce file size of a tiff-image

Post by fmw42 »

Proper IM 6 syntax is

convert org.tif -type palette new.tif


convert org.tif -strip -type palette new.tif

to remove any meta data. Some profiles are very big.
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