convert 1.jpg 1.jpg color.psd[2] -background white -alpha set test.psd
The file opens/displays perfectly in Photoshop. However, if I want to convert it to JPG via ImageMagick, it messes up.
convert test.psd[0] test.jpg - output:

convert -flatten test.psd test.jpg - output:

If I open the psd created by ImageMagick in Photoshop, and save it, and try converting again with "convert test.psd[0] test.jpg" I get the correct output.

I don't want to have to open the file in photoshop however.
What could I be missing?

I assume I don't have to add 1.jpg twice in the psd creation command, but otherwise it messes up a little.
Thanks in advance for any pointers!