Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
.....but I was hopeing that after not getting any reply at the GhostScript form, that someone here may be able to help.
How can I identify what is wrong with this file. I run the commandline below on other files and it works fine. The file I am having trouble with opens in other PDF viewers (Adobe, GS, FoxIT)
Thanks. The PDF is a collection of scanned JPG images. These are sRGB and I have used this type before. I can't find a colour space setting for the PDF file. I do now know that it was created with ABBYY.
The return is:
Error: /undefined in --get--
Operand stack:
--dict:6/15(L)-- false --dict:12/19(L)-- --dict:1/1(L)-- --nostringval-- JPXDecode --dict:1/1(L)-- 0
Just a guess. GS seems to crash while decoding one of the images. The keywork here is 'JPXDecode'.
On page 67 of the PDF Reference Manual v1.7 it says:
"JPXDecode ... (PDF 1.5) Decompresses data encoded using the wavelet-based JPEG2000 standard, reproducing the original image data."
JPG2000 is a PDF1.5 feature, that is not compatible with PDF1.4! You can try to raise the compatibility level to '1.5' (-dCompatibilityLevel=1.5), but I donno if GS can handle JPEG2000 in general.