fmw42 wrote:I am on IM Q16 Mac OSX Snow Leopard and it works fine for me.
Did MacPorts install include dependencies to the liquidrescale library and did Macports install with lqr enabled?
What does
convert -list configure
show for the line starting with DELEGATES. Does it include lqr?
What I have done, is to install all my needed delegates from MacPorts and then manually install from source for IM. To do that you need to modify the ./configure as follows, with the CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS set for /opt from MacPorts install of the delegates. Note I have turned off openmp, opencl and no pango, just from my preferences.
./configure CPPFLAGS='-I/opt/local/include' LDFLAGS='-L/opt/local/lib' \
--enable-delegate-build --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-opencl \
--with-modules --with-quantum-depth=16 --with-gslib --without-wmf \
--disable-silent-rules --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-openmp --without-pango \
--with-gs-font-dir=/opt/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/ --with-lqr
make clean
sudo make install
When you use MacPorts, you can have different flavors of ImageMagick:
Code: Select all
pip@mbp:~$ port variants imagemagick
ImageMagick has the variants:
graphviz: Support Graphviz
hdri: Support High Dynamic Range Imaging using OpenEXR
jbig: Support JBIG
jpeg2: Support JPEG-2000 using JasPer
lqr: Support Liquid Rescale (experimental)
mpeg: Support MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video
no_plus_plus: Do not install Magick++
pango: Support Pango
perl: Install PerlMagick
[+]q16: Use 16 bits per pixel quantum
* conflicts with q32 q8
q32: Use 32 bits per pixel quantum
* conflicts with q16 q8
q8: Use 8 bits per pixel quantum
* conflicts with q16 q32
rsvg: Support SVG using librsvg
universal: Build for multiple architectures
wmf: Support the Windows Metafile Format
If you want HDRI and LQR, your installation command is:
Code: Select all
sudo port install imagemagick +hdri+lqr
You can have different versions installed (but only 1 activated at a time), and you can query which they are:
Code: Select all
pip@mbp:~$ port installed imagemagick
The following ports are currently installed:
ImageMagick @6.7.7-2_0+q16
ImageMagick @6.7.8-0_0+graphviz+hdri+jbig+jpeg2+lqr+q16+rsvg+wmf
ImageMagick @6.7.8-0_0+q16
ImageMagick @6.7.8-3_0+graphviz+hdri+jbig+jpeg2+lqr+mpeg+pango+perl+q16+rsvg+wmf (active)
ImageMagick @6.7.8-3_0+graphviz+hdri+jbig+jpeg2+lqr+mpeg+pango+perl+q8+rsvg+wmf
ImageMagick @6.7.8-3_0+graphviz+hdri+jbig+jpeg2+lqr+q16+rsvg+wmf
ImageMagick @6.7.8-3_0+graphviz+hdri+jbig+jpeg2+lqr+q8+rsvg+wmf
So yes, my delegates include lqr:
Code: Select all
pip@mbp:~$ convert -list configure | grep DELEG
DELEGATES bzlib djvu fftw fontconfig freetype gs gvc jbig jpeg jng jp2 lcms2 lqr lzma mpeg openexr pango png rsvg tiff x11 xml wmf zlib
I can't remember if MacPorts installed the LQR dependency automatically, but in any case it's there:
Code: Select all
pip@mbp:~$ port installed liblqr
The following ports are currently installed:
liblqr @1-0.4.1_0 (active)
On Linux I would use 'ldd' to list the dynamic dependencies of an executable, on Mac 'otool -L' does the same job:
Code: Select all
pip@mbp:~$ otool -L /opt/local/bin/convert | grep lqr
/opt/local/lib/liblqr-1.0.dylib (compatibility version 4.0.0, current version 4.1.0)
So, on the surface it all looks like it's OK.
The error message about 'symbol not found' seems to suggest to me that the MacPorts build is somehow faulty then... I will build IM now myself. Thanks for letting us know your ./configure line.. comes in handy now.