going back to basics (wish the example was smaller!)
removing transparency of each frame (set to images background color) before append/resize
Code: Select all
convert tANtN.gif'[0-10]' -coalesce -alpha remove +append -resize 1600x show:
shows that the per-image background color is green for the first frame, but white for all other frames.
If you append then remove transparency, the background color setting from the first frame will be used for the single image (everything green)
Code: Select all
convert tANtN.gif'[0-10]' -coalesce +append -alpha remove -resize 1600x show:
To just reset the background color for ALL images use this
convert tANtN.gif -background white -transparent-color white tANtN_mod.gif
After checking with the GIF specific content viewer "giftrans" (Download from
http://www.ict.griffith.edu.au/anthony/ ... /#giftrans )
background color = index 0 (green)
Transparent Color Flag = true
Transparent Color Index: 1 (also green)
But later frames switch to local color tables. with different colors and settings,
There is LOTS of colors in this supposedly simple boolean (on/off) image.
As such to clean this up to be properly to use just 2 color boolean black on white (just alpha)
Code: Select all
convert tANtN.gif -coalesce -alpha extract -negate tANtN_bw.gif
I could have also added +remap, to ensure one global colortable is used. but IM figures that is all that is needed automatically in this case. There is not transparency so background and transparency settings is not needed.
I also doubt frame optimization will get you much improvement in compression for this simple 2 color GIF.
If you wanted smooth anti-aliases edges using GIF with transparency was a bad choice. You have lost a lot of info due to the GIF boolean transparency. The animation should be re-created using pure grayscale and without transparency to create a better GIF animation of the letter. Also when generating the GIF use +remap to use a single global grayscale colortable.
IM really needs some way of setting GIF colortables more exactly, without 'skipping' unused colors, or re-arranging the colors in that colortable. This is something I mentioned for IMv7 development, but it is low prioity.