After a successful installation of ImageMagick (ImageMagick-6.8.3-4-Q16-x86-dll.exe) and ppm install finishing with no problems I always get:
"Can't locate Image/Magick/"
It comes from the line "use parent qw/Image::Magick::Q16/;" in
I dont know if the issue is because I'm using ActiveState Perl 5.16.2 and the PerlMagick included in ImageMagick says 5.16.1.
I'm pretty good with Perl and never had issues with older Perl/ImageMagick versions... but somehow there is some Magick going on I dont get.
Ideas? Module missing with AS Perl 5.16.2
Re: Module missing with AS Perl 5.16.2
We'll have a patch for this problem by sometime tomorrow. Thanks.
Re: Module missing with AS Perl 5.16.2
Cool, I think I can wait that long 
I dont know if that is related to anything, when doing the ppm install somehow an undef sneaks in:

I dont know if that is related to anything, when doing the ppm install somehow an undef sneaks in:
Code: Select all
C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageMagick\PerlMagick>ppm install Image-Magick.ppd
Unpacking Image-Magick-undef...done
Generating HTML for Image-Magick-undef...done
Updating files in site area...done
6 files unchanged
1 file updated
Re: Module missing with AS Perl 5.16.2
I can confirm that this is working in