I have all of this working in the following command, except that the shadowed text label is not in a fixed size box (should be 100px by 25px). Here's the result of the command:

Code: Select all
convert \
\( -background transparent \
\( -gravity west -fill lavender -font Constantia.ttf \
-pointsize 12 label:'x' -trim \
\( +clone -background black -shadow 100x3+0+0 -channel A -level 0,50% \
+channel \) \
+swap +repage -gravity center -composite \) \
-size 100x25 -gravity west \) \
\( -size x25 -fill black -background transparent -font MyriadPro-Semibold.otf \
-pointsize 15 label:'Long legend for x' -gravity west \) \
+append -strip legend_test.png