dognose wrote:I guess that will work, the stacking isn't going to work right though for a clean border.
the example border is really bad

This example was NOT for the border... It was for the offset of the background tiling image!
What you probably want is in Thumbnails, Framing, using edge images...
Of course you are not wanting to add an edge, but overlay a tiled edge around the image.
generate a tiled image the same size... mask it using a shaved/framed mask, then overlay on original image.
You most likely will need to know the size of the image and the tile image.
If the tile images do not tile exactly to match the destination image size, you may like to tile them to fit a image that most closly matches the distination size, then resize the overlay, after masking to fit the destination image. Note the overlay tiles be resized larger or smaller, which ever more closely matches.
Would help if we had links to original images to work with! Especially one that did not 'fit' properly.
Tiling a 'fleur' pattern may be a better final example as it also has 'corners' and different edge tiles for different edges.
I feel a new IM Example coming on, if I can get suitable 'tiles'.