Yeah ! Actually i use PHP for make reflexion. I think it's better (?) with imagick.
If I want to use it, what exact command i must be use ?
Code: Select all
convert pokemon.gif -alpha on -virtual-pixel transparent -filter point\
\( -clone 0 \
+distort Perspective '0,0,0,0 0,64,0,64 64,0,54,10 64,64,54,54' \) \
\( -clone 0 -channel A -evaluate multiply .35 +channel \
+distort Perspective '0,0,0,128 0,64,0,64 64,0,54,98 64,64,54,54' \
\) -delete 0 +swap -background none -layers merge \
+filter -size 100x100 xc:black +swap \
-gravity North -geometry +0+5 -composite reflect_distort_sep.png
I dont understant how make with "\" in my shell. Can you help me ? I must be install script ?
@fmw42 : Bad explication, sorry ^^ But I think i can make what i want with your link.
thank you to you
EDIT : I test but i hav'got "convert: unrecognized image filter `point('." error.

I think i must be add "point" script. Where i dl it ? Where i place it ? Thanks.