Here is the link for the transparentbackground.png image: ... ground.png
Here is the link for the trans195.gif image:
I'm using 'ImageMagick 6.3.7 08/07/09 Q16 ' on Debian GNU/Linux Lenny.
I try the command without %:
Code: Select all
composite -watermark 30 trans195.gif transparentbackground.png watermarked.png
but get the same empty image.
Actually here is what I want: I want to get a watermarked image of the 'trans195.gif' with dimensions say: 600x600 px and use it on my webpage as a background image. This image is the actual Moon phase.
So my script should run every 4 hour to download the trans195.gif and convert it to a watermarked image for background of my webpage.

Here is my script so far:
Code: Select all
# before download it, if exist, remove the previous downloaded trans195.gif image
if test -f trans195.gif* 2> /dev/null
then rm trans195.gif*
# download the trans195.gif
# convert the image with imagemagick in to PNG format
convert trans195.gif -emboss 0.0,0.6 -resize 600% -colorize 0,0,50 Holdfazis.png
# make a watermarked image from it
composite -watermark 5% Holdfazis.png graybackground.png HoldfazisVizjel.png
# colorize the image
convert -colorize 0,0,50 HoldfazisVizjel.png Holdfazis.png
The link of graybackground.png is here: ... ground.png
Running the script I get a very bad watermarked image of the actual Moon phase.

How can I get better result?