Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
I know there are several topics concerning this issue, but I've tried all the methods in those topics and they aren't helping me.
Trying to convert an eps to a png with transparent background, however it returns a white background no matter what I command line options I try to use. I can't use -transparent white because the EPS is white!
I am using IM 6.2.8, when I do -verbose I get this:
Alright, I uninstalled old IM on my dedicated server and tried installing the latest.. it's working in console, but not in php. If anyone can help me out with that, I'd appreciate it.
I've read on previous forums that IM doesn't install to the same path anymore creating an issue within PHP when using exec().. not sure how to go about correcting it though.
Here's what IM reports when I do convert -list configure
You don't have any delegates installed. If you installed manually from source, you need to get any appropriate delegates, such as libtiff, libpng, libjpg, ghostscript, etc and install those. Then recompile IM.
Or perhaps IM cannot find your delegates as they were installed before somewhere else.
That is the best I can offer. Perhaps some IM expert can help further.