IM 6.2.8 JPG to MP4 Conversion

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IM 6.2.8 JPG to MP4 Conversion

Post by finn »


I am trying to convert a series of jpeg images to an mp4 video. We are using CentOS 5.3 and currently have ImageMagick 6.2.8 installed. It appears that the mp4 module is not installed (log error: convert: unable to open module file `/usr/lib/ImageMagick-6.2.8/modules-Q16/coders/': No such file or directory.) Before I go through the trouble of upgrading IM, I want to be sure that it is indeed a problem with the version I am using, not simply that IM 6.2.8 does support MP4 and that I just don't have the module installed.

If it is a version problem, would the best method be to uninstall IM with yum and then reinstall the newest version's RPM or should I build it from source (ie: does the RPM include jpeg, png, tiff, etc support already or do I have to install from source and configure --with those options?

Thanks so much for the help,
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Re: IM 6.2.8 JPG to MP4 Conversion

Post by magick »

An easy way to upgrade is to type
You will find the convert program @ /usr/local/bin/convert.

Re: IM 6.2.8 JPG to MP4 Conversion

Post by finn »

Thanks very much for the help. It installed without any hassle and it appears that mp4 is supported when issuing "identify -list format". Just have to see if the script runs correctly now, which will run again at sunset!
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