I have successfully run "cylinderize -m vertical -v background -b none -p 20 -t test.jpg test2.png" from my Fedora 10 command line, but once i tried to run the same using php i.e. exec('cylinderize -m vertical -v background -b none -p 20 -t test.jpg test2.png') it gives me this error
Could someone please help me?
Warm regards
Fred's cylinderize problem from php
- fmw42
- Posts: 25562
- Joined: 2007-07-02T17:14:51-07:00
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Re: Fred's cylinderize problem from php
1) provide the full path to cylinderize in your exec command and possibly full paths to images (this may or may not be necessary)
2) edit the cylinderize script to provide the full path to convert (PHP does not always recognize the system PATH)
3) edit the cylinderize script to change dir="." to dir="/tmp" (possibly a permission issus)
If that does not work, contact me at fmw at alink dot net.
User Bonzo may also have some other suggestions as he has recently gone through the same.
PS I think you posted this to the wrong forum. Probably should be Users forum
2) edit the cylinderize script to provide the full path to convert (PHP does not always recognize the system PATH)
3) edit the cylinderize script to change dir="." to dir="/tmp" (possibly a permission issus)
If that does not work, contact me at fmw at alink dot net.
User Bonzo may also have some other suggestions as he has recently gone through the same.
PS I think you posted this to the wrong forum. Probably should be Users forum
Re: Fred's cylinderize problem from php
Hi Fred,
Using convert -version i got /usr/bin thus i have change your cylinderize shell script and converted the command "convert" to "/usr/bin/convert" and also change my exec command to
echo exec('bash /var/www/html/mug/cylinderize -m vertical -v background -b none -p 20 -t /var/www/html/mug/test.jpg /var/www/html/mug/test2.png');
I have tested with "bash" and without bash.
But the funny thing after i added "/usr/bin" into your script now it is also not working from commadn line as well. It gives me errors like
convert: Improper image header `./cylinderize_6384.mpc'.
convert: missing an image filename `./cylinderize_6384.mpc'.
convert: Improper image header `./cylinderize_6384.mpc'.
convert: missing an image filename `test2.png'.
and didn't create test2.png.
I have also tried with /tmp but no luck.
Could you please help me on this.
Using convert -version i got /usr/bin thus i have change your cylinderize shell script and converted the command "convert" to "/usr/bin/convert" and also change my exec command to
echo exec('bash /var/www/html/mug/cylinderize -m vertical -v background -b none -p 20 -t /var/www/html/mug/test.jpg /var/www/html/mug/test2.png');
I have tested with "bash" and without bash.
But the funny thing after i added "/usr/bin" into your script now it is also not working from commadn line as well. It gives me errors like
convert: Improper image header `./cylinderize_6384.mpc'.
convert: missing an image filename `./cylinderize_6384.mpc'.
convert: Improper image header `./cylinderize_6384.mpc'.
convert: missing an image filename `test2.png'.
and didn't create test2.png.
I have also tried with /tmp but no luck.
Could you please help me on this.
Re: Fred's cylinderize problem from php
Hi Fred,
Sorry the commadn was "whereis convert" not "convert -version"
Sorry the commadn was "whereis convert" not "convert -version"
Re: Fred's cylinderize problem from php
Hi Fred,
I think it is working right now. I did a small mistake. In your script there are other functions in image magick and i changed only "convert" command.
Thank you very much
warm Regards
I think it is working right now. I did a small mistake. In your script there are other functions in image magick and i changed only "convert" command.
Thank you very much
warm Regards