Converting multi-page TIF to PDF

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Converting multi-page TIF to PDF

Post by katit »


I'm trying to do "subj" and it works from command line but not exactly how I want it.

-convert 84778_BOL.tif C:\out.pdf

5 page tif (6mb) becomes 60mb pgf

I played with quality/depth and it didn't do difference.

Then I found this forum and similar topic (converting other way around). So, I tried
-convert 84778_BOL.tif -resize 50% C:\out.pdf

and got 15Mb which is still pretty big. I see same documents converted somehow else with acceptable quality at 250Kb.

Is there any way to "compress" output PDF or something?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Converting multi-page TIF to PDF

Post by katit »

Answering my own question.. -compress zip is what did the trick!!


Re: Converting multi-page TIF to PDF

Post by katit »

Found interesting thing..

If I used resize together with compress - size of output file went up. Strange.
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Re: Converting multi-page TIF to PDF

Post by anthony »

Not strange. Resize will merge colors to generate a nice resized image.
All those extra colors will cause compression to not compress as well so larger file size.
Of course if the image size is a lot smaller then the file size should go down!

For a not so good looking resize with high compression use -sample instead of -resize.
Either that or reduce the number of colors using -colors.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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