Code: Select all
$filename = "some file.pdf";
$command = "convert -density 400 \"C:\\Inetpub\\vhosts\\\\httpdocs\\lit_request\\upload";
$command .= "\\" . $filename . "[0]\"";
$command .= " -resize 25% \"C:\\Inetpub\\vhosts\\\\httpdocs\\lit_request\\upload";
$filename = str_replace(".pdf",".png",$filename);
$command .= "\\$filename\"";
echo $command . "<br/>" ;
$result = exec($command);
echo $result;
Code: Select all
convert -density 400 "C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\lit_request\upload\some file.pdf[0]" -resize 25% "C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\lit_request\upload\some file.png"
note: I have included a space in 'some file.pdf' here because most of the files i am working with have spaces in them and I want to be sure that isn't the problem.
edit: fwiw, the local web user has read/execute on the image magick folder and full control of the \upload directory.