I have a problem regarding converting a CMYK eps to a rgb png.
The images are missing the black channel from the CMYk channels, heres an example:
My command line is shown in black.. alot of extra options is added while testing, some of those are not neccesary and only there for testing purpose,,
Any idea what to do?
The original eps file is available for download here:
http://demo.logolite.dk/sites/default/f ... _BOeRN.eps
the file looks perfect if opened in Preview in macox or photoshop,
im using imagemagick 6.6.2 and ghostscript 8.62 on a debian, so I cant upgrade to 8.71..
thanks in advance!
ps: while we're at it, does anyone know how to remove white background after file has been converted.. i want to preserve the transparent background
Channel missing after converting CMYK
Re: Channel missing after converting CMYK
Ghostscript 8.71 could be better in some situtations, yes. But I'm not sure what your problem is at the moment? Personally, I don't have any problems with your file - aside from transparency (IM v6.6.3-0, GS 8.71).
By the way: Your command line at your link is not complete (and with unnecessary options, yes). '74.png' looks ok to me.
Try to specify the most simple command that gives you problems - and describe what your goal is.
Regarding transparency:
One relatively simple method can be something like that (for a white background):
You may need to adjust the fuzz setting. And see some techniques here:
http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/channe ... k_creation
It's also possible to preserve the original transparency from the EPS. With CMYK, it's sadly a bit more difficult.
Maybe the above method is already ok for you.
By the way: Your command line at your link is not complete (and with unnecessary options, yes). '74.png' looks ok to me.
Try to specify the most simple command that gives you problems - and describe what your goal is.
Regarding transparency:
One relatively simple method can be something like that (for a white background):
Code: Select all
convert input.png -bordercolor white -border 1x1 -alpha set -fill none -fuzz 10% -draw "matte 0,0 floodfill" -shave 1x1 output.png
http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/channe ... k_creation
It's also possible to preserve the original transparency from the EPS. With CMYK, it's sadly a bit more difficult.
Maybe the above method is already ok for you.