optimise montage

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optimise montage

Post by sondz »


I'm trying to montage a huge number of JPEGs into one massive JPEG. Obviously this is going take an age, but I have 2 questions:
1) is there any way I can optimise the command?
2) what is the best was to get user feedback (for me) on the progression / activity of the process? I just want to know that it's moving forwards / hasn't crashed and if possible some idea of how much longer it's going to take.

I am trying to make a patch work of 167700 images which are all 608x246px JPEGs, from the command line, with this command:

Code: Select all

montage -debug cache -log "%e" -limit area 0 -define registry:temporary-path=G:\tmp *.jpg -geometry 608x246+0+0 G:\op\montage.jpg
I've put the -debug in to list the file names to give me some sort of feedback on the progress, but so far it hasn't printed anything (it's been going for 2 hours).

The G: drive is an external USB drive with about 300GB of free space.

It's basically a one off process which runs offline i.e. it's not part of a web service or software application or anything: it's just me!
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Re: optimise montage

Post by fmw42 »

see http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/files/#massive

but i don't know if it works with montage

also see -monitor http://www.imagemagick.org/script/comma ... hp#monitor

again I don't know if that works with montage.

These are typically used in convert.
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Re: optimise montage

Post by anthony »

More things are done in convert and mogrify is a 'limited looped' convert.

The better idea is to create a script wrapper around your convert command see
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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Re: optimise montage

Post by fmw42 »

anthony wrote:More things are done in convert and mogrify is a 'limited looped' convert.

The better idea is to create a script wrapper around your convert command see

He is concerned about montage NOT mogrify. But I suppose montage is limited as well.
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Re: optimise montage

Post by anthony »

fmw42 wrote:[He is concerned about montage NOT mogrify. But I suppose montage is limited as well.
Applogies. "Montage" accepts the same options as "convert" or should (report a bug if it doesn't).

the biggest difference is that somethings are special settings only -frame -border -geometry etc. and as such do not do things the "convert" way.

Also many settings that are still set to some value when you reach the end of the options effect the "montage' array generation, for example, -background, -font, -pointsize, -geometry, -frame, etc.

see IM examples, Montage, Montage Settings for more details of the differences.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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