I'm trying to montage a huge number of JPEGs into one massive JPEG. Obviously this is going take an age, but I have 2 questions:
1) is there any way I can optimise the command?
2) what is the best was to get user feedback (for me) on the progression / activity of the process? I just want to know that it's moving forwards / hasn't crashed and if possible some idea of how much longer it's going to take.
I am trying to make a patch work of 167700 images which are all 608x246px JPEGs, from the command line, with this command:
Code: Select all
montage -debug cache -log "%e" -limit area 0 -define registry:temporary-path=G:\tmp *.jpg -geometry 608x246+0+0 G:\op\montage.jpg
The G: drive is an external USB drive with about 300GB of free space.
It's basically a one off process which runs offline i.e. it's not part of a web service or software application or anything: it's just me!