Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
Hello everybody
I'm new to this place and ImageMagick after all, so I'm here for some help would be really appreciated.
Could you please let me know how to undistort this text?
It seems it has been grabbed from middle and dragged down or maybe something else.
Is it possible to revert it back to become a normal text without distortions?
I don't think people in this forum are going to want to help someone try to break any security captchas. In any case, I doubt that you will get the same distortion on the next captcha, so fixing this one will not be good for any other. Furthermore, IM does not have any easy mechanism to undistort an arbitrary unknown distortion. Typically one would have to have a good corrected image, pick control points on both images and then do some kind of higher order polynomial distortion. But if you have a good corrected image for a reference, then you don't need to correct this one.
Thanks for the reply.
Breaking a breakable captcha is in fact useful for the webmaster to make his/her website even stronger,
but in this case I'm not intending to break any captcha, it's for other purposes, ie classroom exercise.
As I mentioned the distortions all follow the same pattern, they have been dragged down or up from center.
I was able to get convincing results combining gravity and arc distortions.