I am using this to blur out some parts of an image.
If I apply it on a small image, the results are as expected (like the example at the site shows). But when I try it on a bigger image, the "blur" is not adequate. I have tried changing the parameters of convert (the scale values) but it messes up the end image.
I'm using this:
one time on the small image and one time on the big image (note that I manually select the rectangles, different rectangle coordinates on the small and big of course, and then apply the "blur").convert zelda_tn.gif -scale 25% -scale 400% zelda_pixelate.gif
convert zelda_tn.gif -gamma 0 -fill white \
-draw 'rectangle 65,53 50,40' zelda_face_mask.gif
convert zelda_tn.gif zelda_pixelate.gif zelda_face_mask.gif \
-composite zelda_anonymity.png
I have uploaded two examples (one small image and a bigger one) so that you can see what I mean.
small: http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/7145/smallanon.png
big: http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/1479/biganon.png
My question is: What should I do in order to have complete "hiding"/"blur" of the selected area in the bigger images, exactly like it happens on the small ones. I want to be able to achieve the same effect/blur on any image, *independently* of its size.