TIFF to JPEG - maintaining IPTC data

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TIFF to JPEG - maintaining IPTC data

Post by suvigb »


I am using a product that uses ImageMagiick under the covers. I can modify the command is used to convert the TIFF to JPEG.
Currently, this product removes all the IPTC data from the JPEG. I am wondering if their is a modification I can do to the command line so that the IPTC data is maintained.


Re: TIFF to JPEG - maintaining IPTC data

Post by immortal26 »

Here's an example of extracting iptc data:
convert source.tif 8BIMTEXT:iptc.txt

And here's an example of embedding that iptc data (held in a text file) into a jpg:
mogrify -profile 8BIMTEXT:iptc.txt destination.jpg
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