Imagemagick on IIS Windows 2008 SP2 Server

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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Imagemagick on IIS Windows 2008 SP2 Server

Post by dehein2 »

im trying to set up imagemagick on an Windows Webserver 2008 SP2 with IIS and Plesk installed.
I've tryed a lot of thing but i dont get Imagemagick to work. (typo3, gallery2)
So here a few questions:

1. Do i have to load a php-extendion?
2. Should i use a dll (ImageMagick-6.6.5-10-Q8-windows-dll.exe) or static (ImageMagick-6.6.5-10-Q8-windows-static.exe) release??
3. What do i have to do after installing it to c:\imagemagick
4. i tried to give "Everyone" Full Premission, but typo3/gallery2 wont accept imagemagick ("No ImageMagick installation available")
5. i tried different ways of writing the path like c:/imagemagick ; c:\imagemagick ; c://imagemagick or c:\\imagemagick

I dont know what to do. I read somewhere that i have to make the cmd.exe executable for the IUSR User, but the system wont allow me to do that; and i dont want to do that for security reasons... But there must be a way to use Imagemagick with a Windows Server!??

Or is Imagick or Magickwand (i dont really know waht they are) the better way to go??

Thanks alot.
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