I've been using IM on my unix servers fro some time, and recently I've had to use a WAMP type setup for developing locally nad I'm having trouble getting IM to work.
I've installed the Windows version of the binary and It works fine if I call it thoguh the command prompt.
Something like
Code: Select all
convert.exe "C:\path\to\myfile\source.jpg" "C:\path\to\myfile\destination.jpg"
I know it is finding the exe becasue if I call
Code: Select all
'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ImageMagick-6.6.5-Q16\\convert.exe'
But if I try and pass in files, it seems to do nothing
Code: Select all
var $im = 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ImageMagick-6.6.5-Q16\\convert.exe';
$root = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Zend\\Apache2\\htdocs\\mysite\\httpdocs\\uploads";
$cmd = $im." '{$root}\\Source.jpg' '{$root}\\Dest.jpg'";
$result = passthru($cmd);
echo $result;
I've tried setting root to 'uploads', './'
I've tried renaming convert.exe to IMconvert.exe
I feel like I've tried almost everything.
If anyone has any hints on how I should be referencing my image files I'd really appreciate it. Should they be relative to the convert.exe? Or to the script calling them or the site root?
Thanks in advance.