convert: unable to read font `Verdana' @ warning/annotate.c/

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convert: unable to read font `Verdana' @ warning/annotate.c/

Post by bbreen »

I am having issues with ImageMagic resolving fonts.

system is a CENTOS box. ImageMagick.i386 Installed

/usr/local/bin/convert designs/200807281607360.card.jpg \( "x/zbq4g/201009281514370.Logo.BMP" -resize 210x80 -unsharp 0x.3 \) -gravity Center -geometry +0-5 -composite -gravity South -fill "#404040" -font Verdana-Bold -pointsize 10 -annotate +0+50 "Built With the Family In Mind" -gravity South -fill "#ffffff" -font Arial-Bold -pointsize 14 -annotate +0+173 "Corey Gerth" -gravity South -fill "#C0C0C0" -font Verdana-Bold -pointsize 10 -annotate +0+153 "New Home Consultant/ REALTOR®" -gravity Southwest -fill "#ffffff" -font Verdana -pointsize 10 -annotate +11+21 "435 Village Walk Lane" -gravity Southwest -fill "#ffffff" -font Verdana -pointsize 10 -annotate +11+6 "Johnson Creek, WI 53038" -gravity Southeast -fill "#ffffff" -font Verdana -pointsize 10 -annotate +25+21 "Cell: 414-467-5446" -gravity Southeast -fill "#ffffff" -font Verdana -pointsize 10 -annotate +25+6 "Office Fax: 920-699-7202" x/zbq4g/card.jpg 2>&1
convert: unable to read font `Verdana' @ warning/annotate.c/RenderType/810.

convert -list font has many including:
Font: Verdana-Bold
family: Verdana
style: Normal
stretch: Normal
weight: 700
glyphs: /usr/share/fonts/default/TrueType/verdanab.ttf
Font: Verdana-Bold-Italic
family: Verdana
style: Italic
stretch: Normal
weight: 700
glyphs: /usr/share/fonts/default/TrueType/verdanaz.ttf
Font: Verdana-Italic
family: Verdana
style: Italic
stretch: Normal
weight: 400
glyphs: /usr/share/fonts/default/TrueType/verdanai.ttf
Font: Verdana-Regular
family: Verdana
style: Normal
stretch: Normal
weight: 400
glyphs: /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/verdana.ttf

but I notice "Verdana" itself is not list. is this normal? How do I get it installed?

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