The larger image was a .psd where I selectively removed a most of a section of wall, leaving a cherry picker and some texture remants. I saved it as a jpg, therefore flattening the image - does this effectively change what was empty to white? I'm thinking not, because one of these attempts partially works.
Most recently I did
Code: Select all
convert -size 967x558 xc: -draw "image Over 195,0 595,296 test.jpg" output.png
convert -draw "image Over 0,0 0,0 wall3.jpg " canvasunder2.png canvasover2.jpg

So instead I tried multiply:
Code: Select all
convert -size 967x558 xc: -draw "image Over 195,0 595,296 test.jpg" output.png
convert -draw "image Multiply 0,0 0,0 wall3.jpg " canvasunder2.png canvasover2.jpg

And that did a decent job, but it partially obscures the top layer - which i expected it to do, based on it's description.
What I'm asking is I'm not sure what operator or what method of composting images would work better to allow full clarity to both images where they overlap.
*And finally -
At some point I'm going to not only want to shear images, but shear them in perspective. I haven't seen a method for that in "the definitive guide to ImageMagick" or on this page about "warping" Am I missing it, or could someone point me to another link?