what commands are you using to extract the subarea and generate its histogram? take a look at your text histogram and see how many colors and which ones you get. convert image -format %c histogram:info:
Can you post a link to the subarea you have extracted so others can look at it, if you still need help? Why do you need all the black area around jyeO6.gif?
convert jyeO6.gif -fuzz 10% -trim +repage -format %c histogram:info:
1348: ( 0,102, 0) #006600 rgb(0,102,0)
3154: ( 0,153, 0) #009900 rgb(0,153,0)
2027: ( 0,204, 0) #00CC00 rgb(0,204,0)
46: ( 0,255,102) #00FF66 rgb(0,255,102)
2: (255,204, 0) #FFCC00 rgb(255,204,0)
318: (255,255, 51) #FFFF33 rgb(255,255,51)
305: (255,255,255) #FFFFFF white
convert jyeO6.gif -fuzz 10% -trim +repage histogram:jyeO6_hist.gif
gives a similar histogram with a couple more colors showing (at yellow and white at the right side), but the colors are spread over the width of the histogram. NOTE that IM histograms overlay the red, green and blue channels.
It is very odd to me that your largest spike is pink/magenta, which would be a mix of primarily red and blue. I don't see any color in the text histogram with a mix of primarily red and blue. And the largest spike should be green rgb(0,153,0) at 3154 counts. Something is not right. I would post this on the bugs forum and see what the IM developers say. Perhaps I am missing something here.