I have small image conversion problem.
I do have several ( random res) images that I need to convert into PS ( Postscript) format .
I know that PS is only an encapsulated format...
I have try with the geometry and page options but with no sucess ...

I need to define the PS file as an A4 page <=> 850x595
I get the PS final file always truncated ....
My command line is something like this
Code: Select all
convert tmp1.xpm -page 595x850 PS:tmp.ps
Code: Select all
convert tmp1.xpm -geometry 1612x867 -page 595x850 PS:tmp.ps
I have some "correct" results if I call the "-rotate 90" or "-rotate 270" options but nonetheless I get a truncated image ...
Sometimes (depending on the file) I get truncated on the left more than on the right ( if rotated I get bottom and top) ...
Any ideas ?
How can I define the image into the predefined A4 ( 850x595) page ?
comments ?