I am reading the Image Magick documentation trying to learn more about it.
I am following examples in this page:
When I try the code for obtaining an image like this:

something go wrong

This is my code:
Code: Select all
convert -size 320x100 xc:black -font Arial -pointsize 72 -fill white -annotate +25+65 'Sandro' -gamma 2 +level 0,1000 -white-threshold 999 -morphology Distance:5 Euclidean:4,1000 -level 0,5000 -shade 135x30 -auto-level +level 10,90% font_inner_bevel.png

all black

I have used ImageMagick 6.7.4-0 2011-12-07 Q16 on Windows XP.
host>magik --version