Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
Delegate Configuration:
BZLIB --with-bzlib=yes no
Autotrace --with-autotrace=no no
Dejavu fonts --with-dejavu-font-dir=default none
DJVU --with-djvu=yes no
DPS --with-dps=yes no
FFTW --with-fftw=yes no
FlashPIX --with-fpx=yes no
FontConfig --with-fontconfig=yes no
FreeType --with-freetype=yes yes
GhostPCL None pcl6 (unknown)
GhostXPS None gxps (unknown)
Ghostscript None gs (9.00)
Ghostscript fonts --with-gs-font-dir=default /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/
Ghostscript lib --with-gslib=no no
Graphviz --with-gvc=yes no
JBIG --with-jbig=yes no
JPEG v1 --with-jpeg=yes no
JPEG-2000 --with-jp2=yes no
LCMS v1 --with-lcms=yes no
LCMS v2 --with-lcms2=yes no
LQR --with-lqr=yes no
LZMA --with-lzma=yes no
Magick++ --with-magick-plus-plus=yes yes
OpenEXR --with-openexr=yes no
PERL --with-perl=no no
PANGO --with-pango=yes no
PNG --with-png=yes yes
RSVG --with-rsvg=yes no
TIFF --with-tiff=yes no
WEBP --with-webp=yes no
Windows fonts --with-windows-font-dir= none
WMF --with-wmf=no no
X11 --with-x= yes
XML --with-xml=yes no
ZLIB --with-zlib=yes yes
Best guess is that openexr is not located where IM expects to find it.
Do you see openexr in the list from
convert -list configure
in the line starting with DELEGATES?
If not, then it did not find it or it was not installed properly for IM use.
What version of IM and what platform are you on? I have it installed and configured fine in Mac OSX with IM (though it was installed much earlier).
These are the only delegates that IM found in the place it expects them. Where did you install openexr? Where did you install IM?
Sorry I am not really an expert on installation of delegates. I use MacPorts to install all my delegates and then install IM manually from source. I then use CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS to tell IM where my delegates are located.