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ImageMagick with EXR support

Posted: 2012-06-14T08:02:29-07:00
by mikros
I am trying to install ImageMagick with EXR support but every time the configuration step ends I get:

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Delegate Configuration:
BZLIB             --with-bzlib=yes		no
Autotrace         --with-autotrace=no		no
Dejavu fonts      --with-dejavu-font-dir=default	none
DJVU              --with-djvu=yes		no
DPS               --with-dps=yes		no
FFTW              --with-fftw=yes		no
FlashPIX          --with-fpx=yes		no
FontConfig        --with-fontconfig=yes		no
FreeType          --with-freetype=yes		yes
GhostPCL          None				pcl6 (unknown)
GhostXPS          None				gxps (unknown)
Ghostscript       None				gs (9.00)
Ghostscript fonts --with-gs-font-dir=default	/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/
Ghostscript lib   --with-gslib=no		no
Graphviz          --with-gvc=yes		no
JBIG              --with-jbig=yes		no
JPEG v1           --with-jpeg=yes		no
JPEG-2000         --with-jp2=yes		no
LCMS v1           --with-lcms=yes		no
LCMS v2           --with-lcms2=yes		no
LQR               --with-lqr=yes		no
LZMA              --with-lzma=yes		no
Magick++          --with-magick-plus-plus=yes	yes
OpenEXR           --with-openexr=yes		no
PERL              --with-perl=no		no
PANGO             --with-pango=yes		no
PNG               --with-png=yes		yes
RSVG              --with-rsvg=yes		no
TIFF              --with-tiff=yes		no
WEBP              --with-webp=yes		no
Windows fonts     --with-windows-font-dir=	none
WMF               --with-wmf=no		no
X11               --with-x=			yes
XML               --with-xml=yes		no
ZLIB              --with-zlib=yes		yes
I have used this command

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./configure --with-openexr=yes --with-modules=yes --with-bzlib=yes --with-fftw=yes --with-tiff=yes
Prior to do this I had those installed
zlib, IlmBase and openexr
I can display exr with openexr-viewer (exrdisplay)
Does anyone know about it ?

Re: ImageMagick with EXR support

Posted: 2012-06-14T09:34:34-07:00
by fmw42
Best guess is that openexr is not located where IM expects to find it.

Do you see openexr in the list from

convert -list configure

in the line starting with DELEGATES?

If not, then it did not find it or it was not installed properly for IM use.

What version of IM and what platform are you on? I have it installed and configured fine in Mac OSX with IM (though it was installed much earlier).

Re: ImageMagick with EXR support

Posted: 2012-06-14T09:50:05-07:00
by mikros
I am using openSUSE 12.1, IM 6.7.7

Code: Select all

convert -list configure

Path: /usr/local/lib64/ImageMagick-6.7.7/config/configure.xml

Name          Value
CC            gcc -std=gnu99 -std=gnu99
CFLAGS        -fopenmp -g -O2 -Wall -pthread
CODER_PATH    /usr/local/lib64/ImageMagick-6.7.7/modules-Q16/coders
CONFIGURE     ./configure  '--with-xml=yes' '--enable-hdri' '--with-bzlib=yes' '--with-autotrace=no' '--with-djvu=yes' '--with-dps=yes' '--with-fftw=yes' '--with-fpx=yes' '--with-fontconfig=yes' '--with-gslib=no' '--with-gvc=yes' '--with-jbig=yes' '--with-jpeg=yes' '--with-jp2=yes' '--with-lcms=yes' '--with-lcms2=yes' '--with-lqr=yes' '--with-lzma=yes' '--with-modules=yes'
CONFIGURE_PATH /usr/local/etc/ImageMagick/
COPYRIGHT     Copyright (C) 1999-2012 ImageMagick Studio LLC
CPPFLAGS      -I/usr/local/include/ImageMagick
CXX           g++
CXXFLAGS      -g -O2 -pthread
DELEGATES     bzlib fftw freetype jpeg jng jp2 png tiff x11 xml zlib
DISTCHECK_CONFIG_FLAGS --disable-deprecated --with-quantum-depth=16 --with-umem=no --with-autotrace=no --with-gslib=no --with-fontpath= --with-wmf=no --with-perl=no
DOCUMENTATION_PATH /usr/local/share/doc/ImageMagick-6.7.7
EXEC-PREFIX   /usr/local
EXECUTABLE_PATH /usr/local/bin
FILTER_PATH   /usr/local/lib64/ImageMagick-6.7.7/modules-Q16/filters
HOST          x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
INCLUDE_PATH  /usr/local/include/ImageMagick
LDFLAGS       -L/usr/local/lib64 -L/usr/lib
LIBRARY_PATH  /usr/local/lib64/ImageMagick-6.7.7
LIBS          -lMagickCore -ltiff -lfreetype -ljpeg -lfftw3 -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lXt -lbz2 -lz -lm -lgomp -lpthread -lltdl
NAME          ImageMagick
PCFLAGS       -fopenmp
PREFIX        /usr/local
QuantumDepth  16
RELEASE_DATE  2012-06-14
SHARE_PATH    /usr/local/share/ImageMagick-6.7.7
TARGET_CPU    x86_64
TARGET_OS     linux-gnu
VERSION       6.7.7

Re: ImageMagick with EXR support

Posted: 2012-06-14T10:06:17-07:00
by fmw42
DELEGATES bzlib fftw freetype jpeg jng jp2 png tiff x11 xml zlib
These are the only delegates that IM found in the place it expects them. Where did you install openexr? Where did you install IM?

Sorry I am not really an expert on installation of delegates. I use MacPorts to install all my delegates and then install IM manually from source. I then use CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS to tell IM where my delegates are located.

./configure CPPFLAGS='-I/opt/local/include' LDFLAGS='-L/opt/local/lib' \
--enable-delegate-build --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-opencl \
--with-modules --with-quantum-depth=16 --with-gslib --without-wmf \
--disable-silent-rules --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-openmp \
--with-gs-font-dir=/opt/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/ --with-lqr

See ... lation.php