I'm using version 6.7.7-6 2012-06-03 Q16 on WinXP SP3 w/4GB ram
When I use -sketch it takes quite a while to complete and it eats enormous amounts of CPU. I'm not doing anything special in the command line...
convert inputfile.jpg -colorspace gray -sketch 0x20+120 outputfile.jpg
...basically the same as the example in the docs. The input image is only 630x850 in size and not really all that special, but it takes around 1 full minute to complete! And Significantly Longer if I tweak the values of the sketch parameter.
Start: 6:12:15 PM
Stop: 6:13:17 PM

I use PaintShop Pro 9 and it's pencil sketch filter renders instantaneously.
Is this expected behavior of Imagemagick's convert?
Is this a bug?
Is this some sort of anomaly on my system?
Does anyone else have the same results?
* ALSO...
What do the parameter values of -sketch represent?
I realize that val1 = radius and val2 = sigma, but what I'm wondering is what would those equate to in human terms? (e.g.., Thickness? Stroke? etc.)
Thank you!