If I use a different color than black (e.g. '+level-colors red') things work ok even with cmyk.
This (shortened and simplyfied) code is taken from an automatically generated test batch file ('blackening' an already black gfx still make no sense).

Am I missing something?
Code: Select all
convert ( -size 256x69 -density 96 xc:none -fill black -stroke none -strokewidth 0 -draw "roundrectangle 1,1 254,67 2,2" ) ^
( +clone -background black -shadow 50x2+0+0 +repage ) ^
( +clone +level-colors black ) ^
-delete 0,1 -colorspace cmyk -units PixelsPerInch -set density 96 -quality 95 -background white -alpha remove "sh-2.jpg"