Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
I had assumed that White-point could be used to set a photos white balance but it has no effect; am I using it correctly or should it be used in conjunction with another operator.
Or am I assuming it can be used for white balance but in fact it does something else?
fmw42 wrote:I think it just sets the chromaticity white point, but am not sure what that really means or if you have to use -set whitepoint.
If you want to adjust the white balance, see my script, whitebalance.
Correct, the "x" and "y" have nothing to do with the x,y position of a pixel on the image. Instead, they
are coordinates of the white pixel in the chromaticity diagram (see the color diagram on the right of the page at