Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
It seems like the pointsize determined by caption: may have changed recently. I am getting a different pointsize for IM in comparison to IM (imo) and IM (im6). For at least IM and IM I have expliitly recompiled --without pango, though pango is installed.
Here are my commands:
convert -size 80x80 -background white -fill black -font Arial caption:'This Is A Test' 1tmp_im.gif
Note: the slightly smaller font above -- the text does not go as close to the right side of the background here as in the other two.
im6 convert -size 80 -background white -fill black -font Arial caption:'This Is A Test' 1tmp_im6.gif
imo convert -size 80 -background white -fill black -font Arial caption:'This Is A Test' 1tmp_imo.gif
magick wrote:When fixing a caption bug, there was a change in the pointsize algorithm. A different pointsize result in recent versions of ImageMagick is expected.
Can you explain the rational for the change that occurred? Was that in reference to the following so that I know the reason and the version where the change occurred?
2012-05-28 6.7.7-3 Cristy <quetzlzacatenango@image...>
In rare cases, caption would not word-wrap properly (reference viewtopic.php?f=3&t=21106).
I've noticed a problem with 6.7.9-6 when using Vera.ttf. It omits the final character of my caption, very annoying. Most recent code from svn does the same thing. I'm recompiling right now to test it with that, but I just found this thread, and I'm assuming this issue appeared with Might revert to 6.7.7.x to get something that works properly again.
convert -background white -fill black -font ~/fonts/Vera.ttf -size 284x248 caption:'Troy Davis' name.gif
That's the standard Bitstream Vera.ttf. When I use this command with ImageMagick 6.7.6-10 and earlier, I get what I expect. But from 6.7.7-10 onward, the "s" at the end is omitted from the gif file, giving "Troy Davi".