I am new with Imagemagick and I don't succeed in apply a gradient on another image.
I have found a lost of topics about this but I haven't succeed in make it work, and honnestly I don't want to study all the doc because it's juste for a one time development.
1 - I create a simple image :
convert -size 500x500 -background blue label:text blue.png
2 - I create a gradient
convert -size 1000x800 gradient:grey-none -function Polynomial -4,4,0 -distort SRT 90 gradient.png
3 - I try to apply the gradient on the image with a transparency effect (in my dreams

convert blue.png -composite gradient.png output.png
I have also try : convert blue.png ( gradient.png -colorspace Gray -gamma 1.0 ) +matte -compose Copy_Opacity -composite output.png
In fact I have try a lot of things (without really understand them) found in several topics but nothing works.
Any help would be appreciate. Thanks