As such I followed those directions it offers towards the bottom.
I downloaded and used the version
I used the basic command structure it lists: C:\PathToImageMagick\convert.exe +append C:\PathToGif\YourGif.gif C:\PathToDesiredOutput\YourBitmap.png
Using of course my target gif and desired png name. It functioned correctly in that it found the correct gif and png destination, however the bitmap is very wrong in that many of the 'frames' are missing most of the image. Does ImageMagick have its own frame limit regarding gif conversion? It was a very fairly large gif at 360 frames, is in black in white, originally has transparency in the background, and is about 673k in size. This was basically an experiment so any of these factors can be changed if they are what is causing the problem, as well as the number of frames.
This is a screencap of part of the png after conversion, the whole thing is generally like this.

It is supposed to be an hourglass animation with 1 frame per 60 seconds/minutes and 5 frames in between, making 360 total.
Like I said I can make the size of the image, both memory and dimension wise, smaller if that is causing the problem, as well as remove the transparent background. I just want to find out what it is that is causing the problem for sure.