Secondly, I am having an issue converting .ithmb files to a usable image format. I have had some success by renaming the .ithmb to .uyvy format and then converting to a .png and/or .jpg. However, when I convert, I end up with two identical images stacked on top of one another in the size specified - the overall height is what I specified so essentially I get two half-height images on top of each other.
I began by using Keith's iPod Photo Reader ( ... ader.shtml) and can export the files from there in a proper way (there are a lot of files and this tool only allows converting one at a time so it is practically useless for my purposes). This tool was very useful in determining some of the information about the files though. Using it, I was able to determine that they are 720x480 16-bit YCbCr 4:2:2 with Interlaced Shared Chrominance. This tool has an option to "Flip Endian" and only when that option is enabled does the exported image file display properly.
Using ImageMagick command line on a Mac, I run the command
Code: Select all
convert -size 720x480 -depth 16 -sampling-factor 4:2:2 FileName.uyvy FileName.png
I have tried each option for the -endian option (LSB and MSB) with no difference in output image file. I have tried -interlace option (None, Line, Plane and Partition) with no difference in output image file.
Can the endianness of the image be flipped?
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Joined: 2013-10-16T16:29:11+00:00