Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
As you can see from the image below it doesn't replicate the colours exactly, with the original EPS appearing on the left and the ImageMagick conversion on the right:
Your image is cmyk EPS (according to identify -verbose Colours.eps) and needs to be converted to sRGB. PNG does not support cmyk. It also results in missing colors that seem to be represented as transparency (see snibgo's comments below), so you may want to flatten against a white background. You may also want to set the density before reading the eps so that the output will be the desired resolution. I do not see much difference using profiles vs -colorspace.
The missing colours are probably the Photoshop spotcolors that can be seen in "identify -verbose colours.eps". These are colours that use special inks that may not be reproducible with RGB or CMYK.
snibgo wrote:The missing colours are probably the Photoshop spotcolors that can be seen in "identify -verbose colours.eps". These are colours that use special inks that may not be reproducible with RGB or CMYK.
You are right. I missed that. The transparency may be coming from those missing spot colors. Odd that IM would use transparency for that. No actual transparency shows in the verbose info. That is, the file is CMYK and not CMYKA.