How to convert Photoshop actions?

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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How to convert Photoshop actions?

Post by peterpiers »

I'm new to ImageMagick and I am trying to convert a fairly complex Photoshop action. Does anyone know of a website where I can specify a Photoshop dialog, plug in the various values, and get the ImageMagick command-line options to use as output? If such a tool existed, it would save me a ton of time and I could do this conversion myself.

Here's the action I'm trying to convert:

Code: Select all

Convert Mode
  To:  CMYK color mode

  Shadow: Parameters
    Amount: 15%
    Tone Width: 50%
    Radius:  30
  Highlight: Parameters
    Amount:  0%
    Tone Width:  50%
    Radius:  30
    Black Clip:  0.01 (%)
    White Clip:  0.01 (%)
    Contrast:  16
    Color Correction:  20

  Contrast:  30
  Without Use Legacy

Unsharp Mask
  Amount:  80%
  Radius:  1.5 pixels
  Threshold:  0

  As:  Photoshop EPS
  Preview:  Macintosh
  Depth: 8 bits per pixel
  Encoding: binary
  Without Halftone Screen
  Without Transfer Function
  Without PostScript Color Management
  Without Interpolation
  In:  [Desktop folder]
  With Lower Case
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Re: How to convert Photoshop actions?

Post by fmw42 »

I doubt there is any such tool. Even if there were, the parameter argument between PS and IM often differ. For example there is no current equivalent to PS (non-legacy) brightness/contrast. The closest I have come is my script, sigmoidal, at the link below. IM has an unsharp mask, but apparently it does not do the same thing as in PS (see viewtopic.php?f=1&t=23783 where I give some IM commands to try to emulate that, but it is still not exactly the same). I have a script that is close to PS shadow/highlight.
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