Error: attribute not recognized u and n

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Error: attribute not recognized u and n

Post by chanbuu »

I want to convert some .svg files to .png files using ImageMagick.
But -resize Option doesn't work well in my server.

The command that I entered is here.

Code: Select all

convert a.svg -resize 1024x1024 b.png
This command has worked well in my local server. However, Don't work well in service server.

The Error is

Code: Select all

attribute not recognized: n
attribute not recognized: u
attribute not recognized: n
attribute not recognized: u
This Error is output from "ImageMagick/magick/draw.c" Line: 5603 in the method of TracePath().

Please tell me the workaround or solution to this problem.

Specifications of each server are as follows:

■Local Server

OS : CentOS release 6.5 (Final)
ImageMagick Version:
ImageMagick 6.8.7-0 2014-04-14 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2013 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC
Delegates: jng jpeg png png zlib
■Service server

OS : CentOS release 6.2 (Santiago Carbon)
ImageMagick Version:
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-0 Q16 x86_64 2014-04-23
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC
OpenMPFeatures: DPC
Delegates: bzlib fontconfig freetype jng jpeg png x xml zlib
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Re: Error: attribute not recognized u and n

Post by snibgo »

There may be something funny in your SVG file. Please put it somewhere like and paste the URL here. If it is small, just paste the contents between [ code ] and [ /code ].
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Re: Error: attribute not recognized u and n

Post by chanbuu »

Thank you for reply.

I converted the same SVG file on both servers.
On the local server , Converting to PNG worked well , but on the service server, didn't work well.

I wonder if my SVG file is funny.

I'm sorry but I can not upload my SVG file. this is highly confidential.
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Re: Error: attribute not recognized u and n

Post by fmw42 »

Your two versions of Imagemagick probably have different delegate libraries to deal with svg. IM can use its internal MSVG (XML), RSVG or Inkscape. Check

convert -list format

and see what is listed for SVG.

On the system that fails, it is likely just using the MSVG (XML) and on the system that works, it is likely using RSVG (or possibly Inkscape).
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Re: Error: attribute not recognized u and n

Post by chanbuu »

> fmw42

I entered this command on both servers.

Code: Select all

convert -list format

■Local Server
SVG -w+ Scalable Vector Graphics

■Service Server
SVG rw+ Scalable Vector Graphics (XML 2.6.26)

Will it be a result that is using IM's internal MSVG(XML) on the service server ?

I want to use RSVG on the service server.
What should I do to use RSVG.
Does a option of "./configure" command need ?
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Re: Error: attribute not recognized u and n

Post by fmw42 »

■Local Server
SVG -w+ Scalable Vector Graphics

■Service Server
SVG rw+ Scalable Vector Graphics (XML 2.6.26)
Local server has no delegate to read SVG. But it can be written.

Service server is using IM internal MSVG (XML) to read the SVG.

You should install RSVG or Inkscape on both for better performance.
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Re: Error: attribute not recognized u and n

Post by chanbuu »

Incidentally, librsvg2, libpng and libjpeg are installed on each server in the following versions

■Local Server

Code: Select all

librsvg2.x86_64                               2.26.0-6.el6_5.3

libpng.x86_64                                 2:1.2.49-1.el6_2
libpng-devel.x86_64                           2:1.2.49-1.el6_2

libjpeg-turbo.x86_64                          1.2.1-3.el6_5
libjpeg-turbo-devel.x86_64                    1.2.1-3.el6_5
rsvg-convert version 2.26.0

■Service Server

Code: Select all

librsvg2.x86_64                               2.26.0-5.el6_1.1.0.1.centos

libpng.x86_64                                 2:1.2.49-1.el6_2
libpng-devel.x86_64                           2:1.2.49-1.el6_2

libjpeg.x86_64                                6b-46.el6
libjpeg-devel.x86_64                          6b-46.el6
rsvg-convert version 2.26.0
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Re: Error: attribute not recognized u and n

Post by snibgo »

Neither "n" or "u" are SVG 1.1 attributes. ( ) I suspect the SVG file may have bigger problems than using atributes that don't exist.

A couple of things to try:

1. On the service server, "convert -verbose a.svg b.png" and paste all the output here.

2. Find a computer with Inkscape installed, and try to read the svg. If that works, then install Inkscape on the service server, and (with luck) everything will work.

3. Try to find the offending code in the SVG. Search for the strings n=" and u=" (Each string has 3 characters, and is probably in the SVG file with a leading whitespace.) If you have a generic XML reader, that could search for you. I'm not aware of an open-source XML reader, but they must exist.

4. Try editing the SVG file, either to cut it down to a minimal file that fails, or to remove the offending attributes.
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Re: Error: attribute not recognized u and n

Post by chanbuu »

> snibgo

thanks for reply!

I tried the follows command.

Code: Select all

convert -verbose a.svg b.png
output is:

Code: Select all

attribute not recognized: n
attribute not recognized: u
attribute not recognized: n
attribute not recognized: u
a.svg=>b.png SVG 2048x2048=>1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 16-bit DirectClass 77.8KB 1.000u 0:01.000

However,I have re-installed with the option of "./configure" that is "-with-rsvg=yes".
Then, Error has been resolved.

But, Same phenomenon this problem( viewtopic.php?f=1&t=19006 ) has occurred.
How would you know what should I resolve.
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Re: Error: attribute not recognized u and n

Post by chanbuu »

The current output that is enterd "convert -verbose a.svg b.png" is as follows:
a.svg=>b.png SVG 2560x2560=>1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 8-bit sRGB 32.3KB 1.400u 0:01.389
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Re: Error: attribute not recognized u and n

Post by chanbuu »

output from the command :

Code: Select all

convert a.svg -resize 1024x1024 -verbose -identify b.png
is follow :

■Local Server

Code: Select all

Image: a.svg
  Format: SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
  Class: DirectClass
  Geometry: 1024x1024+0+0
  Base geometry: 2048x2048
  Units: Undefined
  Type: TrueColorAlpha
  Endianess: Undefined
  Colorspace: sRGB
  Depth: 8-bit
  Channel depth:
    red: 8-bit
    green: 8-bit
    blue: 8-bit
    alpha: 8-bit
  Channel statistics:
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 2.37697 (0.00932144)
      standard deviation: 21.4034 (0.0839347)
      kurtosis: 117.412
      skewness: 10.6119
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 1.88739 (0.00740152)
      standard deviation: 17.9426 (0.0703631)
      kurtosis: 130.818
      skewness: 11.2439
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 1.64421 (0.00644789)
      standard deviation: 16.2222 (0.0636166)
      kurtosis: 137.088
      skewness: 11.5417
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 3.57922 (0.0140361)
      standard deviation: 29.4608 (0.115532)
      kurtosis: 66.7091
      skewness: -8.2599
  Image statistics:
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 64.3323 (0.252284)
      standard deviation: 21.8583 (0.0857187)
      kurtosis: 1493.01
      skewness: 146.504
  Alpha: none   #00000000
  Rendering intent: Perceptual
  Gamma: 0.454545
    red primary: (0.64,0.33)
    green primary: (0.3,0.6)
    blue primary: (0.15,0.06)
    white point: (0.3127,0.329)
  Background color: white
  Border color: srgba(223,223,223,1)
  Matte color: grey74
  Transparent color: none
  Interlace: None
  Intensity: Undefined
  Compose: Over
  Page geometry: 1024x1024+0+0
  Dispose: Undefined
  Iterations: 0
  Compression: Zip
  Orientation: Undefined
    date:create: 2014-05-07T05:47:07-07:00
    date:modify: 2014-05-07T05:47:07-07:00
    png:bKGD: chunk was found (see Background color, above)
    png:IHDR.bit-depth-orig: 8
    png:IHDR.bit_depth: 8
    png:IHDR.color-type-orig: 6
    png:IHDR.color_type: 6 (RGBA)
    png:IHDR.interlace_method: 0 (Not interlaced)
    png:IHDR.width,height: 2048, 2048
    png:sRGB: intent=0 (Perceptual Intent)
    signature: b5677c05951a66494421289c21f1cfd14e123f4a8f5b64ab9255ee03107654e0
    filename: test.svg
    verbose: true
  Tainted: True
  Filesize: 0B
  Number pixels: 1.049M
  Pixels per second: 2.097MB
  User time: 0.510u
  Elapsed time: 0:01.500
  Version: ImageMagick 6.8.7-0 2014-05-07 Q8
a.svg=>b.png SVG 2048x2048=>1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 8-bit sRGB 31.4KB 0.180u 0:00.189

■Service server

Code: Select all

Image: a.svg
  Format: SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
  Class: DirectClass
  Geometry: 1024x1024+0+0
  Base geometry: 2560x2560
  Resolution: 90x90
  Print size: 11.3778x11.3778
  Units: Undefined
  Type: TrueColorAlpha
  Endianess: Undefined
  Colorspace: sRGB
  Depth: 8-bit
  Channel depth:
    red: 8-bit
    green: 8-bit
    blue: 8-bit
    alpha: 1-bit
  Channel statistics:
      min: 50 (0.196078)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 253.288 (0.993285)
      standard deviation: 17.642 (0.0691842)
      kurtosis: 111.157
      skewness: -10.5784
      min: 28 (0.109804)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 252.906 (0.991788)
      standard deviation: 19.8629 (0.0778939)
      kurtosis: 105.394
      skewness: -10.2382
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 252.718 (0.991051)
      standard deviation: 20.9297 (0.0820771)
      kurtosis: 100.597
      skewness: -9.96305
      min: 255 (1)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 255 (1)
      standard deviation: 0 (0)
      kurtosis: 0
      skewness: 0
  Image statistics:
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 189.728 (0.744031)
      standard deviation: 16.9103 (0.0663147)
      kurtosis: 4157.78
      skewness: -314.514
  Rendering intent: Perceptual
  Gamma: 0.454545
    red primary: (0.64,0.33)
    green primary: (0.3,0.6)
    blue primary: (0.15,0.06)
    white point: (0.3127,0.329)
  Background color: white
  Border color: srgba(223,223,223,1)
  Matte color: grey74
  Transparent color: none
  Interlace: None
  Intensity: Undefined
  Compose: Over
  Page geometry: 1024x1024+0+0
  Dispose: Undefined
  Iterations: 0
  Compression: Undefined
  Orientation: Undefined
    date:create: 2014-05-07T20:39:04+09:00
    date:modify: 2014-05-07T20:39:04+09:00
    signature: 6bf4b8330afa33d30d55a31e5655a9dbaa0da916975c02435067c0beb2efa1e3
    svg:base-uri: a.svg
    filename: a.svg
    verbose: true
  Tainted: True
  Filesize: 0B
  Number pixels: 1.049M
  Pixels per second: 874KB
  User time: 1.190u
  Elapsed time: 0:02.199
  Version: ImageMagick 6.8.7-0 2014-05-07 Q8
  a.svg=>b.png SVG 2560x2560=>1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 8-bit sRGB 32.4KB 0.600u 0:00.589
Why the difference or would occur in the result?
In the first place Service server, I'm getting worried about where the size of the original they've been recognized as 2560x2560.
I'm sorry If you have just heard
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