Problem with "<" in command line (montage -geometry)

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Problem with "<" in command line (montage -geometry)

Post by derboo »

I'm trying to merge together a bunch of images with montage, but I'm having problems with the command. I want to use -geometry '1x1+0+0<' to have the images without resizing and without gaps, but the command line in Windows 7 seems to have a problem with the "<" character.

This is my command line as I type it in:
montage.exe filename*.png -tile 2x1 -geometry '1x1+0+0<' filename.png

But the command processing turns it into this:

montage.exe filename*.png -tile 2x1 -geometry '1x1+0+0 0<'

And I get an error message that the file cannot be found. Is there any way to get around this issue?
Last edited by derboo on 2014-05-22T21:12:19-07:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Problem with "<" in command line (montage -geometry)

Post by fmw42 »

In Windows, I believe you must use double quotes rather than single quotes.

What was the exact error message -- what file was it complaining about?

But try just -geometery +0+0. That should force no spaces and leave the images alone, except to pad to the same height.

This aligns them centered:

Code: Select all

montage logo: rose: -geometry +0+0 -tile x1 -background black result.png
This aligns them at the top:

Code: Select all

montage logo: rose: -gravity north -geometry +0+0 -tile x1 -background black result.png

Using < in the geometry pads the smaller rose: to the same size as the logo:. I do not think that is what you want.

You can also just use

convert images -gravity XX +append result

to put several images side by side.

Code: Select all

convert logo: rose: -gravity north +append show:
This does the same as my second command using montage command. This is simpler than dealing with all the montage features.


Set the background to "none" or "transparent" if you do not want to see the background fill.
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Re: Problem with "<" in command line (montage -geometry)

Post by snibgo »

As Fred says, use double-quotes in Windows.

Without them, the shell interprets "<" as file redirection, taking the contents of the file (on the right) as stdin for the command (on the left). So it looks for a file called ...

Code: Select all

' filename.png
... or possibly just ...

Code: Select all

... which doesn't exist.
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Re: Problem with "<" in command line (montage -geometry)

Post by derboo »

Alright, that did the job, thanks.
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