I'm new to ImageMagic and I'm sure that someone has already asked this question but I have not been able to find the answer. So if it has been asked could someone point me in the right direction?
Ok, to the problem. I have 70 000+ photos (.jpg, CR2, CRW etc) in 100+ folder (that might have subfolders) and I want to make a small thumbnail of all of them to another directory with the "full" path. I know it is not directly a ImageMagick problem but more of a linux command line issue.
As an example, my photo structure could look like this:
and so on
I now want to have my thumbnails in another directory (for example /var/www/thumbnails/ ) with the full (from the photos directory) path like this:
/var/www/thumbnails/folder1/photo1.jpg ...
With the command below (executed in /media/photos/) I get all the thumbnails in the right base directory but images in subfolders gives an error (because the subfolder does not exist)
Code: Select all
find * -name '*.jpg' -o -name "*.CR2" -o -name "*.CRW -exec convert '{}' -auto-orient -resize 640x480 -quality 60 /var/www/thumbnails/'{}'.jpg \;
Thanks in advance!