in short: I need some help.
Goal: Resize input image, after that put it centered on a white canvas. Outputimage have to be in cielab colorspace and tif format, 8bit. Code of choice:
Code: Select all
convert -verbose rose: -colorspace lab -filter quadratic -resize 500x500\! -gravity center -crop 2200x1800+0+0\! -layers flatten -depth 8 -compress LZW rose.tif
Code: Select all
convert -verbose rose: -filter quadratic -resize 500x500\! -gravity center -crop 2200x1800+0+0\! -layers flatten -colorspace lab -depth 8 -compress LZW rose.tif
If you don't have an tif-viewer, use rose.JPG instead. Works, too.
Any help is really appreciated.