Resizing cielab image - don't understand background color
Posted: 2014-06-18T09:06:10-07:00
Hello, after messing around ...
in short: I need some help.
Goal: Resize input image, after that put it centered on a white canvas. Outputimage have to be in cielab colorspace and tif format, 8bit. Code of choice:
Don't work. Background is something in the redish area. Whereas:
works (note: colorspace conversion at the end). BUT we have found in our tests, that colorspace conversion to cielab before the resize operation gives us better results.
If you don't have an tif-viewer, use rose.JPG instead. Works, too.
Any help is really appreciated.
in short: I need some help.
Goal: Resize input image, after that put it centered on a white canvas. Outputimage have to be in cielab colorspace and tif format, 8bit. Code of choice:
Code: Select all
convert -verbose rose: -colorspace lab -filter quadratic -resize 500x500\! -gravity center -crop 2200x1800+0+0\! -layers flatten -depth 8 -compress LZW rose.tif
Code: Select all
convert -verbose rose: -filter quadratic -resize 500x500\! -gravity center -crop 2200x1800+0+0\! -layers flatten -colorspace lab -depth 8 -compress LZW rose.tif
If you don't have an tif-viewer, use rose.JPG instead. Works, too.
Any help is really appreciated.