At the end of the cicle, the software I'm developing will be compiled cross platform (win/lin/mac); my software will launch ImageMagick on different platform through a shell command.
The images that ocr have to recognize contain a grid, therefore the OCR doesn't capture the text inside the grid.
After I've googled for searching a solution, I've find some syntax and now I'm trying to set them for my scope: lines grid removing.
This is the syntax on windows; it works correctly and remove vertical and horizontal lines with a lenght>100 pixel.
Code: Select all
convert test.jpg -negate -define morphology:compose=darken -morphology Thinning Rectangle:1x100+0+0^< -negate test1.jpg
Code: Select all
./convert test.jpg -negate -define morphology:compose=darken -morphology Thinning Rectangle:1x100+0+0^< -negate test1.jpg
-bash: -negate: No such file or directory
Thanks in advance