Converting galaxy images to greyscale

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Converting galaxy images to greyscale

Post by mhwombat »

I am trying to convert galaxy images to greyscale, but I need to preserve most of the detail of the spiral "arms". I have read ImageMagick tutorials, and tried loads of different filters, thresholds, other options etc., but I'm not having any luck. Can anyone offer any suggestions?

Here is a sample image:

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Re: Converting galaxy images to greyscale

Post by fmw42 »

try this

Code: Select all

convert 1237648673994965546.jpg -colorspace cmyk -channel black -separate +channel \
or negate it

Code: Select all

convert 1237648673994965546.jpg -colorspace cmyk -channel black -separate +channel \
-negate 1237648673994965546_black_neg.png
In Windows replace the end of line \ with ^
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Re: Converting galaxy images to greyscale

Post by mhwombat »

I finally found a magick incantation that works well:

Code: Select all

-set colorspace RGB -colorspace gray
@fmw42: Those commands generated colour pictures with lots of speckle-y artifacts.
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Re: Converting galaxy images to greyscale

Post by fmw42 »

mhwombat wrote:
@fmw42: Those commands generated colour pictures with lots of speckle-y artifacts.
They work perfectly fine for me on the image you provided when using IM Q16 Mac OSX. What version of IM are you using and what platform? Always a good idea to identify those when asking a question
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Re: Converting galaxy images to greyscale

Post by mhwombat »

I'm on Debian "Sid". And interestingly, I just completed a system update, and now the command works fine. So perhaps it was a bug that's been fixed.

Now I'm running ImageMagick 6.8.9-6 Q16 x86_64 2014-09-06. Don't know what I was running just before the update.
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