Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
Try putting your text in a UTF8 compatible text file so that you see the characters are correct. Then use the textfile to read your text message using -annotate +0+55 "@textfile". I think you should try using double quotes rather than single quotes. Some systems to do not like single quotes as I recall.
Have you managed to find a good way of solving the æøå problem with ImageMagick? I have succeded using the workaround from fmw42 (Thanx by the way), but I would like to solve it directly in the commandline without creating a temp-file. I have tried working with some Unicode settings, but not with any luck. Can you help?
This is on Linux, using a shell that is configured to use the "en_US.UTF-8" locale.
If it doesn't work for you, you probably need to make sure you're using a UTF-8 locale.